Tonight was opening night of the Helena Brewers baseball team. I love the shadows and the tones of this in black and white. For more action shots visit the Lisa Kunkel Photography Facebook page.
After my morning photo shoot at the baseball field today, I wandered over to Memorial Park. There I found this girl, Sierra, eating her lunch. I couldn't walk away without making this photograph.Footnote: click to enlarge for full viewing
I had the pleasure of photographing head shots for Ms. Eliza Carey a couple weeks ago. She auditioned to be a model for the clothing company H&M....and this little girl got picked! I'd like to think my photo helped but in all honesty Eliza has a great personality and a fresh face and was just a JOY to photograph. Congrats Eliza! And if you remember from a couple posts ago, I also photographed her big sister Caroline. These two sisters were a hoot. I'm looking forward to photographing them again -- I have a great shoot in mind with rain boots. Although with all this rain we've had I might re-think that one.
Today I was editing photos in the dinning room while JD and Adeline played in the office/spare bedroom. I snapped this sliver of JD, I like the strong vertical lines framing him in his green shirt and the green dust ruffle.

~ Sisters ~
The amazing Lori Huseby at Edge Marketing designed this ad for me today. Love it! Baby Finna is looking super cute and I just love my name written in that font. This ad will be in the Helena Brewers' Baseball Program this summer, weeee.